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CILA Rate Calculator Update

Last week, we were pleased to share that Governor Pritzker’s Administration announced another pause in the implementation of the Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) rate calculator. This action postpones reduction of Direct Support Professional (DSP) hours from the intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) community system in Illinois through the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2024). As you may recall, three scenarios were originally presented to the Ligas Rates Oversight Committee; two would have resulted in 2.5 million hours removed from the system. A fourth scenario was presented to the Committee at a meeting last week and is currently under review and consideration.

We greatly appreciate the efforts of the advocacy community, as well as the bipartisan and bicameral efforts of the General Assembly, to maintain millions of hours of critical services. The phone calls, emails, and letters to the editor worked! The advocacy community has been heard thanks to so many of you, like Board member Nora Handler, who wrote a letter to the editor published in the Chicago Sun-Times.

Many of you are energized and asking, what is next? Please sign up for Advocacy Alerts here. The Arc of Illinois will continue to monitor movement on these issues and many others impacting people with IDD, their families, and those who serve them. We are looking forward to Governor Pritzker’s budget address on February 21, 2024, which will outline intended spending on IDD services in Illinois in FY2025.


2025 Public Policy Priorities

We were very grateful to have had such a tremendous response to our public policy survey! Thank you to each of the nearly 500 of you who took the time to share your concerns and thoughts about policy priorities. Based on the results of the surveys and conversations had at several Individual and Family Forums throughout the state, the Public Policy Committee recommended, and the board approved, that The Arc focus on the following priorities in 2025:

Healthcare Access

  • Access to community-based dental and mental health services


  • Continue support of the Dignity in Pay Act and extension of the Customized Employment Pilot;

Community Services

  • Continue to support implementation of Guidehouse recommendations, including increases to Direct Support Professional wages;
  • Advocate for increases in respite supports; and
  • Explore options to support people with IDD who have interactions with the criminal justice system through training, data collection, and advocacy.


  • Continue to advocate for increasing investment and systems change needed to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in their homes and communities, including redirecting funding from state operated developmental centers to person-centered home and community-based supports; and
  • Advocate for increased program funding, specifically for the Illinois Life Span and the Ligas Family Advocacy Program which have not received funding increases since FY2018 and FY2017, respectively.



The Arc of Illinois Board of Directors is announcing the resignation of Amie Lulinski, PhD, Executive Director.  Amie’s last official day will be Friday, March 1st, 2024. 

Please join us in saying THANK YOU to Amie for her leadership and service to The Arc of Illinois for nearly three years in this role. During her tenure, she led her team to:

  • Engage six new affiliate member organizations and re-engaged three former;
  • Initiate the creation of a Spanish language track at the Annual Convention;
  • Introduce a virtual annual event focused on the intersection of IDD and mental health;
  • Initiate the creation of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee; and
  • Advocate alongside state partners to increase Direct Support Professional wages.

The Board of Directors would like to wish Amie the best of success in all future endeavors. 

The Board is consulting with The Arc US and will be using a search firm to fill this leadership position. In the interim, we are confident that our organization's program Directors will continue the great work of The Arc of Illinois. 

I am available for any suggestions you may have. Thank you in advance for your patience and we look forward to updating you soon. 


Kimberly L. Johnson

President, The Arc of Illinois, Board of Directors


Email: kimberly.johnson3@illinois.gov





Your Advocacy Matters!

Going Home Coalition’s January 25th meeting enjoyed a record-breaking turnout for a lively and informative panel discussion of experts on 708 and 377 boards. These boards allocate local tax revenues to local service providers that service a wide range of developmental disabilities and mental health services. Levies from these boards add millions of dollars yearly in funding for the expansion of these services. Our presenters included Mike Murray, Lynn Canfield, Vicki Niswander, and Dr. Kim Fisher. We are grateful to them for sharing their expertise and empowering others. Participants included service providers, nonprofits, self-advocates, parents, and allies wanting to learn more about 708 and 377 boards. Interested in being added to the Going Home Coalition email list or to receive a copy of our meeting notes and recording, please contact elian@thearcofil.org.


The Arc of Illinois is accepting nominations for the 2024 Awards Program until March 1st.

Get yours in today!

Do you know a person who makes a difference every day in our community? How did the person, organization, or program support The Arc of Illinois mission? How did they enhance the lives of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities?

If you do, celebrate your hidden hero with a nomination to recognize their extraordinary dedication and achievements!

Award Nominations are for the following awards which will be presented at the Annual Convention May 1-2, 2024.

· Direct Support Professional Award

· Distinguished Service Award

· Leadership Award

· Outstanding Family Member Advocate Award

· QIDP/Case Manager Award

· Self-Advocacy Award

· Volunteer of Year Award

Nominating in easy!

  • Please use the forms below for all nominations. Attach the form to a cover letter stating why the person/program should be considered for that award.
  • If you wish, attach any other materials which you feel would help the Convention Committee in their decision.
  • Please send to The Arc of Illinois Convention Planning Committee no later than March 1, 2024 (listed in the form)
  • Each agency may submit two nominations per Award Category.


Paid Leave Q & A DHS and ACES$

You might be wondering how the Paid Leave for All Workers Act will impact your Home Base monthly budget if you individually hire your own personal support worker. No worries, we have answers for you. "Paid leave will not count against the customer's monthly budget.

Join The Arc of Illinois Family Support and The Ligas Family Advocate Program for a Q and A session with DDD and ACES$ on the Paid Leave Act and the importance of having a back-up worker!


February 8, 2024

12:00 - 1:15 p.m.

Click here for event flyer.

Zoom: Online Webinar


Illinois Life Span (ILS) & Family to Family Health Information Center (F2FHIC)

February 2024 | Virtual Webinar

Guardianship & Other Decision Making Legal Tools

February 14, 2024

12:00 - 1:00 pm







Registration is open for the Planning for the Future seminar!

February 15, 2024 | 9am - 1:15pm

This virtual webinar is the first of a series and focuses on children (birth to 13 years) with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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